Explanatory Data Analysis group
Dr. Lincen Yang

Lincen is a PhD student working on a project titled 'Human-Guided Data Science by Interactive Model Selection', funded by an NWO TOP grant, in which he will combine MDL-based model selection with interactive data mining.
He was previously a Master student of Statistical Sciences (Data Science specialization) at Leiden University. He also did his Master's thesis, titled MDL-based Map Segmentation for Trajectory Mining, in the EDA group. In this project he came up with an extension of the existing 'MDL histogram' method to 2D, which was motivated by an application in trajectory mining. His master thesis was supervised by Dr. Matthijs van Leeuwen, Dr. Mitra Baratchi, and Prof. dr. Peter Grünwald.
Selected recent publications
2024 |
Conditional Density Estimation with Histogram Trees. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024), 2024. |
Human-guided Rule Learning for ICU Readmission Risk Analysis. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on AI and Data Science for Healthcare (AIDSH) at KDD 2024, 2024. |
2023 |
Unsupervised Discretization by Two-dimensional MDL-based Histogram. Machine Learning, Springer |
2022 |
Histogram-based Probabilistic Rule Lists for Numeric Targets. In: Proceedings of the 20th anniversary Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases (KDID 2022) at ECMLPKDD 2022, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2022. |
Truly Unordered Probabilistic Rule Sets for Multi-class Classification. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD 2022), Springer, 2022. |
Probabilistic Rule Sets Ready for Interactive Machine Learning. In: AAAI'22-Workshop on Interactive Machine Learning, 2022. |