Explanatory Data Analysis group
Daniela Gawehns

PhD candidate
Daniela’s research is part of the interdisciplinary project “Dementia back in the heart of the community” in collaboration with the NIVEL institute (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research). The project accompanies a change in care management in a retirement home. During the project period, the park of the retirement home will be redesigned such that patients and people living in the neighboring residential areas can make use of it. Patients will be (in accordance with their families) allowed to use the park without being accompanied by a member of the nursing staff and there will be no gates to fence the park off from the surrounding area. The impact of this change in elderly care management will be accompanied by a multitude of pre- and post-measurements. Sensors will not only be used to ensure patient safety but also to track how residents from the neighborhood are using the park.
Daniela will focus on finding new ways to integrate this multimodal data and to extract useful information from it.
Daniela obtained her Master degree in Clinical Neuropsychology in 2017 and her Master degree in Statistical Sciences in 2018 from Leiden University. She is interested in the analysis of dynamic networks and time series data, science communication, and ethics in data science. Her supervisors are dr. Matthijs van Leeuwen and prof. dr. Aske Plaat.
Selected recent publications
2025 |
Using consumer wearables to estimate physical activity of nursing home residents with dementia. Exploration of Digital Health Technologies vol.3, Open Exploration, 2025. |
2023 |
WEARDA: recording wearable sensor data for human activity monitoring. Journal of Open Research Software vol.11(1), 2023. |
2020 |
Social Fluidity in Children's Face-to-Face Interaction Networks. In: Proceedings of the Graph Embedding and Mining (GEM) Workshop at ECML PKDD 2020, 2020. |